I spent over twenty-four hours in the last few days just to watch movies. Nonstop. And I couldn't be happier since I already have them stockpiled in the laptop for weeks. At last, now I can move them to the better place: external hard disk.
My imagination roams free because of those movies. These products of art imbue my brain which affects the thinking system. It kept changing pole to pole. However, I ever heard about a bestseller worldwide book that changed the perspectives of millions, "Whatever you think, think the opposite".
Here, the book emphasized that everyone has an original thinking, and not good enough unless they switch it to the opposite. Basically, I have to think the opposite of my thought. At the same moment, I do not understand my mind whether it thinks about the normal one or the opposite? If a normal one, then everything will be more straightforward. I only have to change it to the opposite. Yet, after I hold the opposite, should I consider the opposite of the opposite which leads to the original idea? Meanwhile, the problem arises when the first is an opposite. What else must I do? I already think the opposite, still, the basic principle of the book ask me to think the opposite which refers to the normal one. Or do I have to think nothing? Shut it like a TV that turned off by pulling the electricity cable out?
My honest opinion, both the movies and book worth to watch/read on their own, not combined. Wait a minute, is that the first thought? So would it be better if converted to the opposite: they are terrible?
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